It's almost been seven months since my shoulder surgery and honestly its getting better on a daily basis. Leading up to surgery it was a bit of a question mark as to how good my shoulder would be after Dr King worked his magic on it. Then working with Bob my physical therapist and doing all my prescribed exercise on my own my shoulder has come a long way. I slowly started climbing again once released to in November with the goal of having an ice season. With the training wheels on I have slowly progressed physically and mentally since. I now feel like by the end of my ice season I'll be back to or very close to my previous level. Once I started I climbing again I've had a permanent grin on my face when ever I'm out climbing. I'm so thankful that I'm climbing again let alone progressing like I'm am. I am very thankful to Dr King, Bob Swider and for my wife Jen most of all it was a very long summer for her too. As long as I train and climb with some smarts I believe I'm on a good path! You gain a new appreciation for things like climbing after having it taken a way for awhile.
Climbing The Thrill Is Gone Hyalite Canyon Montana 1-30-16
So fucking psyched to be out on the ice again!