Is there really ice climbing in the north Idaho panhandle? Well yes there is it may be here today gone tomorrow but there's some out there I'm going to list the two most consistent and accessible ones. Yes there are a few more climbs in the panhandle but the stars have to align or some backcountry travel is required. I live in Hayden Idaho so approximate drive times are from my house. I will be adding a local ice guide page with panhandle ice and other areas in eastern washington and western Montana post.
Chilco Falls 15M WI3/3R with mixed & dry tool options also
10 minute drive short approach
Access issues see below
Forms almost every season can be very brief.
Some seasons are very good, I feel really fortunate to have this area and climb it often when it is in.
Access is an issue so ask a local or go with one who knows the way in. We don't want to mess up the access situation. NO DOGS PERIOD!!! Be respectful of the property owners.
Early season Dec 2011 |
Copper Falls 70M 1 or 2 pitches WI3
2hr drive may require 4wd short approach
Forms almost every season can be very brief.
Here's good route info from Summit Post
Fun climb you can link with Libby MT (more on this area in an upcoming post) stuff to fill up a day
Dec 2007 |
Rich Bennett Dec 2007 |